Humanity exists in a flight of hope between what is and what is possible. But today, we have become
so ensnared within the webs of technology and consumerism that it has become virtually impossible to
liberate our spirits. The result is that flight has turned into falleness, hope into despair. Modernity had
called upon the spirit to counteract consumerism; however, its quest for interiority had the net result of
splitting society into the Dual cultures of Bourgeois and Aesthetic Modernism. This Dual Modernism
for a time maintained critique and counter critique balancing each other; but eventually aesthetics sensibility
was appropriated by the marketing structure, which perverted it into an anesthetic for the purpose of
inoculating society and silencing any real external critique of itself, thereby.
Caught within this state of affairs, the fallen angels are strangers to the sky. Though their wings
cannot fly, yet they maintain the posture of flight. Suspended in suffering, they wonder if their falleness is
not the result of the modern estrangement between intellect and desire. It is Humanity’s task to employ
spirit to facilitate a new interpenetration of thinking and living. In an age of information obsessed with
on the technology of artificial intelligence, it has become all the more urgent for society to find a new
synthesis between reason and feeling. This is imperative if the human spirit is to maintain its presence
in the face of a high tech civilization. If we have learned nothing else in the Modern era, we should have
learned that humanity and technology are tightly woven in a codependency. This relationship is so
fundamental that the Modern strategy of division must now give way to a culture of coordination. To
reject technology is finally to reject our own nature, yet to leave technology unconstrained is to destine
humanity to a world without hope. This is the angels’ falleness; this is their anxiety. They are making an
urgent appeal to our humanity. Their appeal is the appeal of life, calling to us to find a new equilibrium
in a world out of balance. Despite our falleness, our humanity still calls upon our desire to fly.